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Jersey Mikes

Jersey Mikes

Regular price $1.30 USD
Regular price Sale price $1.30 USD
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Jersey Mikes
Jersey Mikes
48 points; mini sub
72 points; regular sub
144 points; 1x giant sub
288 points; 2x giant sub
432 points; 3x giant sub
576 points; 4x giant sub
720 points; 5x giant sub
864 points; 6x giant sub
Download Jersey Mike's mobile app & login and make sure the points are good
Change the name in "more" tab to an alias to prevent holder from calling, etc.
On the "points tab" click "use in store" and it will give you a scannable QR code
Go to the cashier and ask to use your rewards and show them your QR code
The maximum points per order is 144 (1 giant sub is 144pts, 1 regular is 72pts)
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